Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 concludes with Ariane rocket's 199th launch

Two commercial satellites for the expansion of communications services from space were launched atop an Ariane 5 rocket today, capping another successful year for the booster that saw a dozen payloads deployed in 2010.

The hydrogen-fueled main engine roared to life at 21:27 GMT, followed seven seconds later by ignition of the twin solid rocket motors to begin thundering out of the Guiana Space Center in Kourou on the northeastern coast of South America.

The heavy-lift launcher, making its 55th flight, climbed steeply through the late afternoon sky and headed downrange for a half-hour trek into geosynchronous transfer orbit to deliver the Spanish Hispasat 1E and South Korea's Koreasat 6 spacecraft.

It was the Ariane rocket family's 199th mission, coming 31 years since the maiden launch in 1979.

"I want to thank all of those who contributed to this new Ariane 5 success," said Arianespace Chairman & CEO Jean-Yves Le Gall. "And I would obviously very much like to thank the Arianespace operational team for their flexibility, reactivity, reliability and availability - and above all - the passion they bring enabled us to meet our promises."

The Ariane achieved a highly elliptical orbit stretching 35,921 kilometers at its farthest point from Earth and 249.5 kilometers at the nearest. The satellites will use their onboard engines to circularize the orbit and reach geostationary slots in the coming days.

Riding atop the dual payload stack was Hispasat, a powerful spacecraft to be operated by the Madrid-based company of the same name, will expanded available video and data transmission services for bridging the Atlantic and coverage across Europe.

"In the middle of an important investment process, Hispasat 1E is the second of five new satellites laid out in our growth plan," said Petra Mateos, chairwoman of Hispasat.

Manufactured by Space Systems/Loral with an 18-year lifetime, the 5,329.55 kilo satellite carries 53 Ku-band transponders and a Ka-band capability.

It will be parked in geostationary orbit over the equator at 30 degrees West longitude alongside the Hipasat 1C and 1D birds launched aboard Atlas 2AS rockets from Cape Canaveral in 2000 and 2002, respectively.

"The Hispasat 1E satellite will offer new services for direct-to-home TV platforms, digital-terrestrial television and also for high-definition television as well as broadband services," said Antonia Abad, Hispasat's chief technology officer.

Sharing the ride to orbit aboard the Ariane 5 rocket was the 2,852.3 kilo Koreasat 6, a communications satellite designed to operate at least 15 years and serve South Korea by operator KT Corp. of Seoul.

Built by Orbital Sciences with Thales Alenia Space supplying the communications payload, Koreasat 6 is bound for a geostationary orbital slot at 116 degrees East longitude. It has 30 Ku-band transponders for telecommunications and direct-to-home TV transmissions.

"Koreasat 6 will upgrade broadcasting service quality by providing enhanced HD and 3D satellite TV programs and maintaining the continuity of Koreasat 3 services," said Ho-Ick Suk, vice chairman of KT Corp.

The new satellite replaces Koreasat 3 that launched aboard an Ariane 4 rocket in 1999 and was sold to another Asian spacecraft controller earlier this year.

Today's successful flight represented the Ariane 5's sixth launch of 2010, all occurring in a hectic seven-month stretch, with each of the rockets deploying pairs of communications satellites. The dozen satellites amounted to 45,329.55 kilos.

Next up is the high-profile launch of the European Space Agency's Automated Transfer Vehicle cargo resupply ship to rendezvous with the International Space Station. That rocket is being processed at the Kourou spaceport for a planned February 15 liftoff on the milestone Flight 200.

Source: Spaceflight Now

Encuentro Científico Internacional 2011 de verano - ECI 2011v

El Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico (CEPLAN) coorganiza el Encuentro Científico Internacional 2011 de verano (ECI 2011v) que tendra lugar en la ciudad de Lima, del 4 al 7 de enero del 2011.

En ECI, investigadores de diversos paises participan creando relaciones con la comunidad científica internacional y abriendo comunicaciones entre centros e instituciones de investigacion del Perú y del mundo.

Los objetivos del ECI son:

* Consolidar la Red Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (InterCyT/Interscience) de investigadores y centros de investigación nacionales y extranjeros en torno a proyectos de ciencia, tecnología e innovación (CTeI).

* Promover el retorno o la integración de talentos científicos y tecnológicos en torno a proyectos de CTeI.

* Sensibilizar a la población acerca de la importancia de la ciencia, tecnología e innovación para mejorar la calidad de vida.

Se invita a científicos e ingenieros a participar en el ECI 2011, a inscribirse a traves de:, y seguir las indicaciones del apartado “inscripcion de participantes”, para formalizar su registro.

Consulting & Engineering for Space

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

GIOVE-A already five years in orbit

GIOVE-A satellite – the first prototype of Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation system – is still working well after five years in space.

The first ‘Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element’, GIOVE-A, was launched on 28 December 2005 by a Soyuz rocket from Baikonur in Kazakhstan, carrying a prototype rubidium atomic clock designed for the Galileo constellation. Our blog reported about the launch of GIOVE-A here.

It was joined on 27 April 2008 by GIOVE-B, equipped with an ultra-precise passive hydrogen maser design as well as a second rubidium clock. Operational Galileo satellites will carry both clock designs for maximum reliability.

“Both satellites had a design lifetime of 27 months each,” said Valter Alpe, managing GIOVE activities for ESA. “It is a pleasant surprise, therefore, to have GIOVE-A still fully operational after 60 months in orbit. GIOVE-B, meanwhile, is showing no sign of problems after 33 months in space.

ESA and prime contractor Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd of the UK completed GIOVE-A extremely quickly. From the contract signing in July 2003 to launch took less than two and a half years.

ESA and the European Commission needed to begin using the radio frequencies the International Telecommunications Union had provisionally allocated to Galileo to secure their future access.

“GIOVE-A made it to orbit ahead of the ITU deadline, then began to broadcast Europe’s first navigation signal-from-space on 12 January 2006,” continued Valter. “This represented one major goal of the two GIOVE missions.”

“Europe has not used such orbits too often in the past, so both satellites were checking the radiation environment,” added Stefano Binda, Systems Performance Engineer for GIOVE. “We needed to perform in-orbit testing of the purely European atomic clocks at the core of the Galileo system and an experimental version of the global Galileo ground mission segment could begin trials once we had the GIOVE signals-from-space.

The Galileo Control Center (GCC) is located at the premises of the German Space Operations Center (GSOC) in Oberpfaffenhofen, near Munich, Germany.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Soyuz successfully launches carrying Three Expedition 26 Crew members to Station

Expedition 26 Flight Engineers Russian Dmitry Kondratyev, North American Catherine Coleman and Italian Paolo Nespoli lifted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan aboard the Soyuz TMA-20 today at 19:09:36 GMT.

They will dock to the station’s Rassvet mini-research module Friday afternoon, Dec 17. After hatch opening the crew will participate in a traditional greeting ceremony, talk to family and officials on the ground then be briefed on station safety procedures.

The next set of visitors to the orbiting laboratory will arrive at the station aboard space shuttle Discovery scheduled for February. The STS-133 crew will deliver and install a logistics carrier and a new storage module.

Read more about Expedition 26 at NASA Exp. 26.

From the Administrator: It was great ... another Soyuz launch (20 and counting) as ISS Flight Controller @ the Columbus Control Center in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany!

ISS Crew from three nations counting down to launch today

A Russian Soyuz rocket is poised for launch Wednesday on a two-day flight to ferry three fresh crew members to the International Space Station. Liftoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan is targeted for 19:09:25 GMT, roughly the moment Earth's rotation carries the pad into the plane of the space station's orbit.

At the controls in the Soyuz TMA-20's center seat will be commander Dmitri "Dima" Kondratyev, assisted by Paolo Nespoli, an Italian astronaut with the European Space Agency who flew aboard the space shuttle in 2007.

Seated in the capsule's right seat will be Catherine "Cady" Coleman, a mother and retired Air Force colonel who flew aboard the shuttle in 1995 and 1999 and holds a doctorate in polymer science and engineering. She celebrated her 50th birthday Tuesday.
Coleman, Kondratyev and Nespoli (Source NASA)

Launching from the same pad used by Yuri Gagarin 50 years ago April 12, Kondratyev, Nespoli and Coleman plan to dock with the International Space Station at 3:12 p.m. Friday. Waiting to welcome them aboard will be Expedition 26 commander Scott Kelly, flight engineer Alexander Kaleri and Oleg Skripochka, who were launched to the station Oct. 7.

"As soon as they get on board, my primary goal is to get them acclimated to the environment and get them comfortable enough to where they can work up here efficiently," Kelly told a reporter. "One of the first things we do is a safety briefing, make sure they're aware and reminded of all the safety training they've had, but see it from the perspective of being on board here. Really, just to get them comfortable and ready to work starting the following Monday."

The six-member Expedition 26 crew faces a busy timeline that includes research, normal maintenance, two Russian-segment spacewalks and work to unload a variety of supply ships. A Japanese HTV cargo craft is scheduled to arrive in late January, followed by a Russian Progress supply ship, the shuttle Discovery in early February and the European Automated Transfer Vehicle, or ATV, at the end of the month that will deliver another load of supplies and equipment.

The shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to show up in early April along with another Progress later that month.

"There's a lot on our plate," Kelly said. "A lot of it is logistics, with these cargo vehicles coming up and preparing the space station for its future beyond shuttle and all the science, not only the science that we conduct now but the science we'll be able to conduct here for the next 10 years aboard the International Space Station."

On April 12, the Expedition 27 crew will mark two major space anniversaries: the 50th anniversary of Gagarin's launch to become the first man in space; and the 30th anniversary of the shuttle Columbia's launch on that program's first mission.

"It's going to be great to be on board when basically everybody thinks about the fact that 50 years ago Yuri Gagarin made his first flight, and now we think that living and working in space is part of everyday life," Coleman said in a NASA interview. "I think anniversaries are special because it makes us stop and think about our perspective, and realize that we've come a long way and that some of the roads ahead that might look difficult or daunting are roads that we should precede because we can make these things happen.

"Look at these hard things that we made happen, when you think about the fact that the shuttle program started 30 years ago and look at all the special, special kinds of things that have resulted from the fact that we, as a world, as a country, made a space shuttle that can bring both people and amazing equipment up to space."

Juan Martín Canales Romero
ISS Columbus Operations Coordinator

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eventos de Ciencia y Tecnología organizados por ECI

Loa siguientes eventos relacionados a la Ciencia y Tecnología se llevaran a cabo en el mes de Diciembre en Lima, PerúÖ

*  Fiesta de la Ciencia 2010 - Encuentro Cientifico Juvenil 2010
Sabado 18 de diciembre de 2010 - 9:00 a 13:00 horas.
Lugar: Colegio de Ingenieros del Peru- Av. Arequipa 4947, Miraflores.

*  Segunda conferencia anual
Reforma del Estado y Modernizacion de la Administracion Publica
Fecha: 1 al 3 de diciembre del 2010
Lugar: Instituto de Gobierno, Calle Dulanto 101, Miraflores

*  Ciclo de conferencias sobre Informacion Cuantica y Tecnologias Cuanticas
Prof. Enrique Solano Universidad del Pais Vasco y Fundacion Ikerbasque, Bilbao.
6 y 7 de diciembre de 2010.
Lugar: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru Av. Universitaria, 1801, San Miguel.

* Curso sobre Bioseguridad y Biotecnologia Moderna
De lunes 6 a viernes 10 de diciembre de 2010.
Auditorio A-2 de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) en Lima.
Organizan: Proyecto LAC Biosafety-Perú Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNALM.

Ver detalles haciendo clic el el link siguiente