Friday, October 21, 2011

Soyuz ST lifted off for the first time from South America

LIFTOFF of the Soyuz rocket !!!

exactly at 10:30 GMT according to the scheduled start plan.

Making history the Soyuz ST VS01 is on his way into space with two European Galileo In-Orbit Validation navigation satellites and on its first mission from Europe's spaceport in French Guiana, South America.

Soyuz Launch with Galileo

All systems are currently green for an on-time launch. 

Now 10 minutes until launch. The Soyuz rocket family has flown 1,776 times since the 1950s, but this is the first time a Soyuz will have launched outside of the former territories of the Soviet Union.

Second attempt for Soyuz and Galileo Satellites

The Friday morning's launch of a Soyuz rocket with two Galileo navigation satellites has restarted. It will be the inauguration of a new launch site for the Russian booster in South America.

Liftoff is set for 10:30:26 GMT.

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Monday, October 3, 2011


La Comisión Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Aeroespacial (CONIDA) lanzó con éxito el viernes 30 de setiembre 2011 un cohete desde su Base de Lanzamiento ubicada en Pucusana.

El Cohete Sonda X-PAX-II, diseñado y fabricado íntegramente en el país por profesionales peruanos, mostró un desempeño eficiente durante su ignición, lanzamiento y vuelo.

Esta actividad se enmarca dentro de la Visión de CONIDA, de ser el referente nacional en el área espacial y ambiental, generadora de conocimiento científico, y presente en la comunidad espacial internacional.

Fuente: CONIDA - Lanzamiento Cohete Sonda X-PAX-II